Crutches suck, by the way.
Despite my joking, I am pretty devastated. It does seem that every time I get to a certain point in my fitness, something happens and I am back to square one, again. For the billionth time. I do not dig this. Not quite sure what lesson it is that I am supposed to be learning from this, but it makes me pretty darn crabby. I am not fun when I am crabby, In fact, I am not fun to be around when I am crabby. (Sorry family and friends.)
So once again I feel like I am at a crossroads in terms of this process. Along with not being able to exercise at all ( not even old lady aqua aerobics - sorry to offend any aqua aerobics enthusiasts) until they figure out exactly what is going on, my eating has pretty much devolved into a sugar and saturated fat laced disaster. Oh the predictability of these old patterns - just when I thought I had my sh*t together. A friendly reminder from the universe that I still have a LOT of internal work still to do ( don't we all).
So now I need to regroup and come up with a new plan. I am deeply grieving the fact that I won't be running my half marathon. I cannot bring myself to completely let it go as a goal/dream, but it may be that I need to make some difficult decisions about running in the (hopefully not too near) future. Honestly, I can't go there right now. Astonishingly, the thought of giving up running brings me to tears - something I never in my entire life believed would be possible. A sign of some progress, I guess.
My new plan will likely include walking - and yes walking enthusiasts, I know you think it is amazing - I am not quite so enthusiastic - and possibly swimming. No aqua aerobics. Ever. Seriously. Yes, I am knocking it BEFORE I try it. My doc suggested cycling when I get the green light to exercise. I smiled politely, nodded my head, and thought about stabbing my eyes with a fork. Cycling isn't really my thing (although Freddy Mercury almost had me convinced). Obviously I have a little resistance to trying something new. But i will get over that. I have to.
As for the eating, I think it's time to put the pity party to bed and stop medicating myself with sugar and fat. And mac and cheese. And ice cream. And potato chips. Did I mention the sugar and fat? time to refocus, and eat to improve my health and speed my healing. Hello again, kale chips.
It is time to dig deep - to find the motivation I need to stay focused on my long term goal of living a healthy life, even the when things go to hell. I mean really, there are problems in the world a lot worse than me not being able to run a half marathon. But I will need to dig deep within myself to stay focused and motivated over the next while. And that is ok, because it is all part of the process - but no guarantees that I won't be a wee bit crabby along the way. I am good, but not THAT good!
So sorry to hear about your ongoing injuries Jacquelin. I have arthritis in both of my feet. If anything it makes me want to become a runner all the more to prove that I can despite it. I started biking last summer for the first time since I was a tween. I love it! Not one of your hardcore, speedy types. I have a plain white version of the Electra Cruiser in the picture you posted (looks like the Daisy model to me!). Its very old school and I'm slow but with no gears I get a great workout and sweat a lot! Its not quite running but maybe give biking a spin?! Aqua aerobics isn't for everyone but for me, laps of the pool while "jogging" with a float belt on? I feel like I'm running the Boston marathon! :) Take care of yourself my dear; I know its tough.
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