This getting healthy thing is a pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong, I want to do this, and I definitely need to do this, but I had kinda forgotten that it is actually a lot of work! It requires planning and forethought, not exactly my superpowers ( those tend to be more in the areas of BS detecting and identifying the sketch factor in the boyfriends of the lovely women I work with. But I digress. . .)
Case in point, I now have to actually THINK about what food I put in my mouth - no more random snacks and mindless ( and carefree!) eating. I also have to find the appropriate balance between being mindful and being a crazy psycho woman who is addicted to the food tracker on my crapberry. There IS a happy medium, I am sure of it. Now to find it. . .
I also am back to packing my lunch, rather than using the "I don't have a lunch" excuse to eat those tasty treats of the devil known as french fries. This also means I have to actually THINK (there's that word again!) about what I want for lunch and prepare it in advance! No more excuses. Sigh.
And then there is the little thing called exercise - in my cutesy moments I call it "Fitting in Fitness", which pretty much makes me want to throw up. I do need to figure out how to fit it in - so easy to give it a pass at the end of the day and mornings are pretty challenging. I am currently walking at lunch. Grudgingly, very grudgingly. ( I am still pouting that I cannot run, but that is a story for another post. . you are welcome!)
I am slowly improving - not perfect by any stretch, but I am getting back in the rhythm of living a healthier lifestyle. Yes, it is indeed a pain in my rather large butt, however, it is always better to be sore from doing something, instead of nothing! At least that is my story, and I am sticking to it!
You are hilarious! Love you!
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